
Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"Cream Cheese" Roll-Ups

1 large tortilla (I like to use the Trader Joe's spinach flavored, but plain is also good!)
Tofutti cream cheese (I use plain, but you can use your favorite type)
1 can black olives
1 jalapeno (or spicy pepper of your choice)


This is really really easy!

First, spread the tortilla on a flat
surface. Take about half a container
of Toffuti cream cheese (or less, or
more, whatever you like) and spread it
over the tortilla.

Second, open and drain the black
olives. Take as many as you'd like (I
use about 3-4 for one tortilla) and
dice until very small, or pop in food
processor until in tiny cubes.
Sprinkle these evenly over the cream
vegan tortilla.

Third, cut or process a couple of
jalapeno (or whatever pepper) slices
the same was as the olives. However
much you use can, of course, depend on
you and your guests' tendency toward
spiciness. Sprinkle these tiny bits
over the cream cheese tortilla.

Finally, roll up the tortilla and cut
into one inch pieces. If you'd like
you can puncture each piece with a
toothpick to keep them together and
make consuming them easy for your

If not serving right away, these can
certainly be chilled!



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