
Thursday, March 4, 2010


Rice Flour Upma


Rice Flour 1 cup
Yogurt 1 cup
Salt to taste
Green Chillies 3

Rice Flour 1 cup
Yogurt 1 cup
Salt to taste
Green Chillies 3

Method of preparation:

Remove stems, wash and chop green chillies finely.
In a bowl, mix rice flour, yogurt and salt into smooth flowy consistency adding little water if required.
Heat oil in a deep non stick pan on medium low heat, add all talimpu ingredients in order.
When dal turns light brown and seeds start to splutter, add chopped green chillies.
After few seconds add rice flour and yogurt mixture.
Stir continously until the rice flour mixture becomes thick without sticking to the pan.
Serve piping hot.


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